Wednesday, January 30, 2008  


In several of my previous posts I've stated that I get e-mails on a rarely used account that are clearly not for me but some other person who has incorrectly configured their e-mail client. They are able to send messages but all replies to any messages come to me.

It may sound interesting to get another person's e-mails but this individual seems to lead a pretty normal and "by the books" type of life. No one even forwards him porn, which I'd settle for.

Last week, it got a bit awkward for the first time when he sent a message but it got bounced back because the end recipient didn't exist. I guess he got the address wrong. Anyways, since it bounced back, it didn't go back to him... it went back to me. From the looks of it, I think this is either a dating site "first contact" type of message or some other message with romantic overtones.

I'm going to publish an excerpt here, censoring details that might get picked up by a Google crawler.

Subject: To the The S****y Girl who likes working out in the Gym


Like your ad on the Web. I am from C****a been in S******i 2 years ago
and really like it. Originally from G*****y but live here in C****a for
** years.

I like the Chinese Culture and been practicing Kung Fu and Tai Chi for
** Years. Would like to learn Chinese and Visit China more often. I am
** Years old used to work in F*****e but do more a********s work now.
Well you say you not ugly at all and have brains, very nice.
Maybe we can start as friends I teach you G****n or English and you
teach me Chinese and show me China someday, who knows where it leads.

Looking forward to hear from you


I know I've said it before but now I'm really, really considering telling this guy he's messed up his e-mail client. Mind you, now there's a bit of awkwardness involved, I'm tempted to not tell him. I think that would be wrong. Of course, there's no way he knows the message bounced, so I can spare him that indignity.

Hindsight being a Hubble telescope, I really should have told him months ago when this first started.


posted by Erwin | 12:39 AM
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