Sunday, June 01, 2008  


UPDATE: After some tinkering I've been able to safely republish my entire blog. If you're curious, it amounted to 2175 individual files and about 24 Mb worth of data.

All old references to the previous commenting system has been removed, making archive page loading much faster now. As a consequence to the republishing, the current commenting system has been backported to all my old pages, so if you want, you can go back to pre-2007 pages and leave comments there. Also, you might see one or two new things in the formatting. Thanks for you patience.


As some of you long time readers know, this blog has not always used Blogger's built-in and awesome commenting system. Actually, Blogger's own commenting system didn't exist until about a year and half ago. Previous to that, I used a free and external commenting system that I was never happy about.

It now appears that external commenting system has now gone down for good. Sadly, this means that any comments from about 2002 to about 2007 are now lost into the digital ether. I sincerely apologize to each and every one of you who took the time out to comment on this little dog and pony show. There were some classic comments made on this blog over the years.

The bad news continues in the form of longer load times on pages where it still references the old commenting system. Because of technical details I won't go into, I can automatically strip out those references but it'll invalidate the archive links you see to your right.

I'm still working out a solution. In the meantime, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


posted by Erwin | 7:50 PM
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