Wednesday, June 04, 2008
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Though the "official" start to summer is still about 16 days away, unofficially in years past the weather should be quite nice around this time of year. The problem is that the weather has been pretty much crap since about November.
In Vancouver this year, we didn't really have a spring. "Spring" as it were, was just a continuation of winter, except just two or three degrees warmer and lots more rain. Granted, it doesn't dip below freezing any more but it's just as gray, wet, and dreary as your average fall day. Just this evening, it was pouring rain and not your nice summer rain either. It was a soul-stealing cold rain. While walking home, I even briefly thought about bringing my wool coat back into rotation since it would not look or feel out of place.
The one good thing about this poor weather is that once a nice string of sunny days comes along, everyone quickly forgets how bad the days were. The question is, when are the sunny days finally going to arrive?
posted by Erwin |
12:59 AM