Friday, January 25, 2008
Around noon today, a co-worker, Taylor wanted to grab some lunch with me. I had to finish up some stuff, so I told him I'd get him at his desk when I was ready. Done with my task, I headed over to TJ's desk.
"Holy! Look at you and Brian, you're both dressed the same!"
BL, who is the online producer, sits next to Taylor, so we both looked at each other. I had a classy baseball tee on with midnight black sleeves and a dark charcoal grey center. Brian was wearing a classy baseball tee on with midnight black sleeves and a dark charcoal grey center. We were also both wearing denim pants, the almost exact shade of dark, indigo blue. Last but not least, we were both sporting Dennis Busenitz High Score Gazelle Skate shoes on our feet. Now to be fair, about a dozen people on the team received the same pair of complimentary skate shoes, so on any given day, four or five people have the same shoes on.
Shoes aside perhaps, it was still pretty weird seeing the same set of clothes on another co-worker. BL and I took about 30 seconds just looking at each other, up and down. Yep, pretty much the same. Then Taylor decided to call Cuz over to have a look.
"Oh hey! Who calls who in the morning to coordinate all this?"
I think someone took a picture with a cell phone camera. Then Taylor and I went to Ricky's Diner for lunch. I had scrambled eggs, sausage links, hash browns, and sourdough toast.
posted by Erwin |
12:14 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Even if you've known me for just a short amount of time, you know I have two unique abilities: I can cleanly core an apple with just my hands in less than five seconds and I always manage to wake up on my bus before my stop.
Tonight, I nearly missed my stop on the bus. I usually wake up as the bus turns off the highway. This evening was like any other as I indeed did wake up as we headed off the highway. I then made a conscious decision to close my eyes again as I was quite enjoying my little nap on the bus. I of course, fell asleep again.
I awoke probably about a minute later but at that time I didn't know that. At first I wasn't sure exactly where we were or how much time had passed. I wanted to grab the guy in front of me and ask him what year it was but that only works in the movies.
As I looked outside the window, I realized we had just passed the stop before my own. I had really cut it close this time as I probably had less than 10 000 milliseconds to pull the cord. I signaled for my stop and was thankful I have woken up in time.
Stepping off the bus, I was still reeling with the close call. I could do nothing else but just sit at the bus shelter for a few minutes to collect myself. Reaching into my coat pocket, I was dismayed to find my packet of chew was empty. It was time to go to 7-11 to get a new tin before walking home.
posted by Erwin |
12:28 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I must be one of the very few people on the planet who don't mind DJ Atomika and Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend, both of which can be heard in the new Burnout Paradise.
posted by Erwin |
12:53 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
This post is for people who have signed up to Facebook. I don't know many Internet savvy people who haven't done so already so this probably applies to many of you.
The main reason I joined and use Facebook rather than MySpace or Friendster is because the initial clean layout of everyone's profile really appealed to me. Facebook took away some of the control so that people couldn't mess up the layout and produce a garbage profile.
We're now months into the explosion of third-party apps on Facebook and you should see some of these profiles. Some people have over a dozen apps installed with little or no regard to where they sit layout-wise in their profile. These profile pages are so long now, I have to scroll through page after page, looking for their contact info or whatever important stuff that should be front and center. If I have a vertical resolution of over 1000 pixels and it takes me thirteen page downs to get to your contact info, you've got some problems.
What's even worse is that with a million apps installed, you're spamming all you FB friends with stupid notifications. I really don't care that Sally took Carol's rook in Facebook chess. These apps are even sending stuff to your friends when you're not even aware of it. Just because you like an app and installed it doesn't mean I want any part of it.
In the last two days or so, people have been sending me FunWall posts or Booze Mail or whatever. I have to install the app to read what they sent me but I'm not going to do it. I'm not even going to install it, read it, and then uninstall it immediately.
Sure my profile page might be boring but it's clean and that's the way I'm going to keep it.
posted by Erwin |
12:30 AM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Last month, I promised I'd write about my left knee, so here I am fulfilling that promise.
About a week before I left for Vegas, I was going up the escalator at the Lougheed Skytrain station when I took a step and somehow, I must have slipped and I went down hard. Actually, my left knee took the brunt of the fall and it hit the edge of one of the metal escalator steps.
I was back up in a second but as soon as I can came up, I realized my knee hurt like a sumbitch. I kept walking up the escalator but there was a nuclear explosion of pain emanating from my left knee. I'd never felt that much pain from my knee before and I was thinking my competitive square-dancing days were over.
As I limped across the platform, the train arrived, so I got to sit down right away. It really hurt for the next ten minutes and then it was just a dull throb for the rest of the way to work. For the whole day, I didn't feel any pain unless I bent my leg at a certain angle.
For the next two weeks, I couldn't put any weight on that knee so proposing to random women was totally out of the question, thus leaving me to find other things to do on my Thursday nights.
While the knee has scabbed up nicely weeks afterwards, the fact that it still hurt in certain circumstances made me think I'd really done some damage to it. I thought about going to the doctor's but then I'd just start playing Xbox again.
After the new year, the pain went away completely.
Ok, so there's my post about my left knee. I didn't say it would be a good post!
posted by Erwin |
11:53 PM