I'm going bowling tomorrow! It will be the first time I've done so since grade two. By my calculations, that's about 47 years ago. As part of a field trip, my second grade class went to Maillardville Lanes to learn how the movie The Big Lebowski would be filmed twenty years later. True story.
Since then, I admit I have bowled virtually countless times. Starting off in my C64 days where I vaguely remember playing some PBA sanctioned game. Perhaps it wasn't officially PBA sanctioned but damnit, it sure felt like it had PBA approval. Of course, we now have modern day virtual bowling thanks to Wii Sports where strangely, I've had the most intense competition from little children ages 8 and under.
Tomorrow, I will venture off to Commodore Lanes for approximately two hours of bowling as part of a St. Paddy's Day team event. It's like a dream come true, bowling with my co-workers. I'm not sure if anyone is going to bowl a 300 game tomorrow but it should be fun. By the way, the dude in video above finished his game with a score of 299. It doesn't matter because in my books, his pants bowled a 300.
I'm playing Rock Band with three other dudes on Saturday night. It's one thing if an evening turns out to be sausage party, it's another when you plan on it.
Though I don't have specific problems, I decided on the weekend to dramatically increase my fibre intake. I'm doing so by not eating hay but rather by eating Kellog's All-Bran Buds cereal. These things look like super tiny bales of hay that you might see on a farm.
As you can expect, this cereal isn't popping with flavour though strangely enough, every 28g of this stuff contains 8g of sugar. It sure don't taste sugary. It's not about the taste though as this cereal is all about the high fibre. There's 12g of fibre for every 28g of cereal. That's 48% of the suggested daily intake of fibre in just a 1/3 of a cup.
I'm not going to take the 2 week Challenge like William Shatner did in those commercials but I will be seeing how this affects my well-being. At the very least, maybe this will add some fun to potty time.
I had a particularly good nap on my bus ride home today. Perhaps it was the effects of daylights saving time kicking in but I was fast asleep just outside of downtown Vancouver. I must have been in very deep sleep because I didn't wake up until we were in Port Moody. I usually wake up at every stop but not this time.
In fact, when I woke up I thought we had actually gone back in time but it turned out I had just put my watch upside down.
Just before I started grad school and moved into SJC in 2002, I had a list of things I needed to buy for my new chapter in life. Along with a quart of molasses, I knew I had to get a flashlight. A torch was necessary in case of a power failure and/or late night panty raids. I chose to buy a Maglite since they were quite popular. Also, it came in a cool red aluminum finish.
About two years after I bought my Maglite, I was horrified to find out that the founder of Mag Instrument, makers of Maglites was a staunch Republican party supporter. Anthony Maglica had donated thousands of his flashlights to Bush Sr.'s inauguration, all part of that "thousand points of light" hoopla. Maglica was curiously silent with his donations towards the White House between the years 1992-2000. Maglica again started his charitable ways in 2001, once more donating flashlights to Dubya's inauguration.
Six months ago, my Maglite finally burnt out its replacement bulb that came with the original packaging. I was faced with either getting a new bulb or just buying a new flashlight from another company. I chose the latter option. This weekend I picked up my first LED flashlight made by a company called Dorcy. Now I admit I have no clue if Dorcy leans red or blue but it can't be worse than a company that blatantly cheers on for the bad guys.
See! We can even make flashlights political!
A final note, the archives have been updated (using a custom bug-filled C# application I wrote myself).