Thursday, July 03, 2008
I'll be leaving Thursday afternoon for Hawaii. My good friend Ron is getting married in Honolulu and I am fortunate enough to be able to join him at the blessed event. I can't remember the last time I've had so many vacations in a "short" amount of time.
I was in Vegas in December and not a year ago in August of 2007 I was in Manhattan. For me, that's a lot of time off to go to places. I don't think I've traveled this much since 1997 when in just 6 months I went to Honolulu, New York, and San Francisco. This will be my first time back in Hawaii in eleven years. The first time, I went from writing my last exam of my undergrad degree, moving out of residence, and arriving in Waikiki in about 48 hours.
I'll be back next Friday. I have no idea what kind of Internet access I'll have, so my blog posts over the next few days maybe sporadic. I'll try to keep in touch.
posted by Erwin |
1:12 AM
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
After searching for days at the super high-end shops for men's clothing, it turned the old standby, Banana Republic came through with a shirt that is perfect for the wedding I'm going to on Saturday. Not only did BR offer me what the other stores could not, it probably did it at half the price.
Now I'm all set for the wedding... except for the card.
posted by Erwin |
1:49 AM
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
At this moment, we're almost into the third hour of Canada Day. While my mind should be on relaxing, I'm currently wondering what the hell I'm going to be wearing to a wedding I'm attending on Saturday.
I still have my lovely suit which I bought last summer but I have no suitable shirt nor tie to go with it. I've been shopping for said shirt and tie since Wednesday. I scoured Harry Rosen, the Bay, Sears, and eventually Holt Renfrew. Actually, I did find an awesome shirt and tie combo at Harry Rosen but my size wasn't in and by the time it would arrive, it would be too late. So it's my own damn fault that I left this too late. Here's a lesson to you kids, keep your stick on the ice and if you're gonna go wedding clothes shopping, do it with at least two weeks before the blessed event.
As it stands, I'm gonna try to buy a ruffled blue tuxedo shirt and bow tie tomorrow. It shall make for an interesting Canada Day.
posted by Erwin |
1:54 AM
Monday, June 30, 2008
It's a day off here at HQ, so that means everyone has a four day long weekend. I'll be back later tonight with a post.
posted by Erwin |
1:08 PM