Friday, November 14, 2008
When you spend as much time at work as I do, you probably have plenty of opportunities to conduct "bathroom business". Luckily, on the floor where I work, there's a luxurious washroom where one can conduct such business. Deemed the "executive washroom", it's a spacious, single occupant palatial retreat. Featuring a large and stylish porcelain sink, wood paneling, and a wealth of reading material, it's the place to "go".
When I first started using said palatial retreat, I noticed something very odd. When I sat down, there seemed to be a genuine warmth emanating towards my posterior. I thought it was my imagination but sure enough, I wasn't imagining things. The water in the toilet bowl was so warm, it got to the point where it was actually conducting heat to my ass. To this day I'm not sure it's done on purpose as a matter of comfort but I'm not complaining. Also, the water isn't hot all the time, which is kinda weird. I have to admit, if you're gonna get splashed on the butt, it's better to have warm water than cold.
I strongly suggest you try it out at home, just so you can say you've experience it. The next time you gotta go, try boiling a sufficient amount of water beforehand. Then carefully and I mean carefully, take the hot water over to the bowl and dump it in there. Make sure it's enough to be appreciable. Then proceed with your business as usual. I'm not sure if it'll change your life but it might be a good ice-breaker for the next party you're at.
posted by Erwin |
12:13 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I had the opportunity to go food shopping this evening, which is a bit of a luxury these days given my work schedule. It'd been a while since I've been in a Safeway so it was a bit of a treat. I came away from the store with two items of interest.
The first picture you see above is two 12-packs of Kraft Dinner single serving cups. As I eluded to an earlier post, I've become quite fond, perhaps too fond of these things. They're delicious! I usually buy these things at Wal-Mart for about $1.15 each or at 7-11 for the outrageous price of $1.49 each. Well clutch the pearls, was it a surprise when I found these boxes of Kraft Dinner cups at Safeway. Not only were they in convenience box form, they were on sale for $7.99 for 12 cups! These were less than 70 cents per cup! I took little time in scooping up two boxes for myself. You can also see the 12 cups are divided into eight of the original recipe and four of the triple cheese variety. I'll be eating good for the next few weeks!
The second picture you see are some Aunt Jemima Griddlecake breakfast sandwiches which I found in the freezer section. Now, you may not know this but for the longest time, I've lamented the lack of hearty and quick breakfast items in the grocery store. Sure, you can get all the frozen waffles and pancakes in the world but what about a heartier kind of meal? For example, in the US, you can a whole variety of Jimmy Dean breakfast items. That's why I was so pleased to see the Griddlecakes at Safeway. Make no mistake, these things are a direct copy of McDonald's McGriddles, right down to the boast of "delicious syrup flavour BUILT IN". Note they mentioned "syrup flavour" as opposed to actual syrup baked into the griddle cakes. As you can expect, these thing aren't exactly healthy for you either, with 21g of fat in each approx. 125g sandwich. I will try these as an experiment as I won't let myself eat one too often.
Wow, what a sophisticated and refined palate I have!
posted by Erwin |
12:01 AM
Monday, November 10, 2008

A lot of families post pictures on Flickr, so you can see what they're up to. One of those nuclear units just happens to be the family of Barack Obama, the next President of the United States. On election night, a photographer took an amazing set of photographs, detailing the family watching the returns to the moment before President-elect Obama took the stage to give his victory speech.
If you ever wondered what it was like to be in that room when he was declared the winner, you'll want to see these pictures.
posted by Erwin |
12:10 AM