Friday, May 22, 2009  


I was over at a friend's place last night to hang out. We'd had just come back from dinner where said friend's wife bought us all dinner. What a supremely nice gesture. Anyways, my buddy and I were lounging in front of the TV when he showed me this HD channel that I'd never seen before.

The channel was simply named HDNet. Simple and straight to the point. With that name, however, I had no idea what type of programming it had, other than the fact it probably showed in high definition. Well, it turns out that Mark Cuban, maverick owner of the Dallas Mavericks, owns HDNet. The channel shows original programming, sports, news, movies, and TV shows.

In terms of the original programming on HDNet, it just happened that we tuned in while one of those shows was on. We were watching Bikini Destinations where the entire premise seems to be flying beautiful women to sunny locales across the globe, for the express purpose of seeing these women cavort around in skimpy swimwear, all in glorious high definition. After a minute of watching this, I immediately was ready to endorse this channel to anyone would listen.

The channel also features a show called Get Out! which seems to have the same premise as Bikini Destinations, just with a different name.

Now apparently my HD provider, Telus just only recently added this HD channel to their lineup and I'm wondering if I should give this or the History Channel a try.


posted by Erwin | 12:35 AM