Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Despite being at less than the suggested 100 hours of my plasma break-in period, I'm feeling like I'm going to end this preventative step early. I've totally lost track of how many hours I've already put on the TV but I'm guessing it's around 40-50 hours.
I am getting impatient. In the break-in period, the picture settings really are less than optimal. Also, you only calibrate your TV after the break-in. I also can't play video games (because of static HUDs) nor can I watch movies at aspect ratios of 2.35:1. As you can see, that adds up to whole bunch of suck.
I'm going to finish this week off and starting next week, I'm going to turn up the settings and calibrate the TV. Then it'll be time for Blu-rays and Xbox 360.
posted by Erwin |
12:44 AM