Tuesday, October 27, 2009
In a post I wrote a few weeks ago I outlined my endeavour to go as long as possible without wearing my winter coat. It really makes no sense to do so as any logical person would wear as much clothing as required to keep comfortably warm. As I am prone to fits of illogical behaviour, that means I'm still wearing hoodies and such outside.
I've decided to expand upon my personal stunts, though still heat related. I'd like to see how long I can go without turning on the heat in my apartment. Now, here's the interesting part. I've never turned the heat on in my apartment. I moved into my place when spring was in full bloom so heat was not required back then. Do you think it's possible for me to go the entire winter without turning on the heat? Last year, I made it as far as the end of October before I had to relent but that was in my previous abode.
The coat thing is kinda stupid but this apartment heat thing is a tad more beneficial. The less the heat is on, the less my electrical bill is. As with anything, larger goals are best achieved by breaking it down to smaller ones. I should concentrate on getting to the end of October without turning the heat. Then it might be the month of November... and so on!
Who wants to join me in this quest?!?!??!!?!
posted by Erwin |
12:17 AM