We had the Easter bunny at work today. I sat on his lap and asked him if he saw the shadow of my teeth underneath my pillow would he poop out a chocolate egg for me.
It's been quite a while since my last post in my "brush with greatness" series, so I am pleased about its return. Tonight I had dinner with a good friend at Joey's at their Burrard and Pender location. Even though there's another Joey's a few blocks up on Robson, I prefer the Pender one. The atmosphere is slightly more laid back and I seem to get better service there.
Anyways, as my friend and I were leaving, we passed by a table close to ours. There were four young gentlemen seated, dressed casually but nicely. I noticed one of them wearing a baseball cap. To my surprise, it was current Vancouver Canuck, Steve Bernier. Seated next to him and also in a ball cap was Alexandre Burrows who is having a stellar season. Across from Burrows was Kyle Wellwood. The fourth in their party was facing completely away from me so I couldn't see who it was. He appeared to be of average height. We weren't sure if he was a Canuck or not. My friend thought that if it was a Canuck, it looked like Rick Rypien. My bet was on Mason Raymond.
In any case, they were all being very low-key. Wellwood still has a giant shiner on his face near his eye. A large area of his face is just purple and black. I have to say, it's difficult not to like Wellwood. He just seems like an average dude who just happens to possess an amazing amount of hockey skill that unfortunately doesn't shine through every game. In every situation though, he looks very humble.
At this point I realized I was probably staring at them too much so I decided to keep walking towards the exit. While walking up Burrard, my friend and I debated who the mysterious fourth member of their group was. We decided there was only one way to find out and that was to go back to the restaurant. None of us was willing to go that far.
If only I had tickets to tomorrow's game against LA. I'd go to the warmup and yell at Burrows, Bernier, and Wellwood.
"Hey, who was the fourth guy at dinner last night?"
Oh hey, if any of you are going to the game, could you ask them for me? Yeah, thanks.
When I was in my mid-20s I knew that when I got older, my body would betray me in ways that I would not like: I'd get wrinkles, my hair would turn gray, my hair might even go away, I'd forget things, I'd forget things, my wang would stop working, and so forth.
There is one thing that I didn't account for and that thing didn't even wait until I turned 30 to happen. When I was about 25 years old or so, I noticed that my nose hairs started growing crazy long and thick out of nostrils. Yeah, that's a pretty picture, isn't it? It got to the point where I'd be just sitting there and then I'd exhale and then out would pop this thick, black, dark as midnight nose hair. It wouldn't just sit barely outside my nostril, it'd be hanging out there, waiting for small children swing on.
It got to the point that I had no choice but to start trimming my nose hairs, lest they get in the way while I was eating. Again, try picturing that in your mind. I know you guys love details, so I'll let you know that my left nostril seems to be more prolific than my right one.
For you younger whipper-snappers out there, let this be a warning of what wonderful things await you in old age.
I had a lengthier post all lined up tonight but I lost track of time to write it properly. Unfortunately, all my time tonight got sunk into playing Saints Row 2 on my Xbox 360. I shouldn't even be playing it at this point. I "finished" the game yesterday, as in I completed the parts of the game that tell the whole story. As far as plot goes, I've seen all there is to see.
The sad part is that the game contains all these frivolous collection side quests that really add nothing to the story. They really are all trivial. One set teases me to find all these CDs that scattered across the city. Another asks me to find all the graffiti locations in the city. There are two additional sets which are essentially the same "go look for these things" type quests. Some people would just forget these inconsequential parts to a game but not me. I have to find all these items. Sure, I get a few lousy achievement points for some of them but I'm really doing it because I'm slightly neurotic when it comes to these type of things.
I know we live in a wonderous world when I can even suffer OCD in a virtual environment.