Friday, May 08, 2009

Looking at pictures of Megan Fox really does nothing to dull the pain of tonight's tough Canucks loss. They were less than minutes away from being up three games to one in the series. Unfortunately, a costly (to understate it) error by one of the Canucks sent the game to overtime. In overtime, yet another mistake by the Canucks led to the winning goal. I took the loss in game two much easier. Game two was a blowout so it was easier to divest yourself from any emotional attachment. Losing in OT after playing a near-perfect game is another story altogether. I was still swearing up a storm an hour after the game ended.
Shifting gears for a second, the picture you see above is from a trailer for Transformers 2, the Michael Bay directed sequel starring Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox. If you watch the trailer, it appears that Spike (LaBeouf) and Mikaela (Fox) are still a couple. The interesting thing is, it also seems like Spike has gone away to attend university somewhere, leaving Mikaela behind. The two are trying the lost distance thing. Now this maybe just me but if I had a girlfriend that looked like Mikaela and also knew cars inside and out, I'd probably think twice before deciding it was a wise decision to take Calculus I at a school hundreds of miles away. Oh if you're interested in seeing another picture from the trailer, click here.
I'm still disappointed the Canucks lost.
posted by Erwin |
12:21 AM
Thursday, May 07, 2009
First, I'd like to thank everyone for their suggestions for a "best of" post. I'll be perusing the archives and take into consideration your input. Look for the results next week.
In other news, my employer, Electronic Arts this week released the results of its latest financial quarter. The less than good news is that we're still losing money. The slightly better news is, however, we're losing less money now. Almost lost amidst all the financial talk was that Skate 2 has now sold over a million copies in combined sales across the Xbox 360 and PS3. It took a lot longer for us to get to that milestone on the first game, so I'm happy to see a stronger response to our second offering.
Looking to the future, maybe we'll turn a profit next quarter!
posted by Erwin |
12:26 AM
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
In TV land, TV shows of years past commonly did one thing when writers ran out of ideas or were just too lazy to write something new. That one thing was to make a clip show or a show that just replayed excerpts from previous shows. Networks do this far less often now but when I was a kid, you could rely on this showing at least once a year from your favourite shows.
Because I wanna be lazy too, I started thinking of what a clip show equivalent of this blog would be. Now some of you might think it is laughable my blog would have a "best of". I admit I have written perhaps a stinker or two of posts over the seven years but I also believe there have been a few gems here or there.
My question to you, my readers, is what posts of the past would you include in a "best of"? Would you vote for the post where I posted pics of a couple having sex in front of their hotel window? How about the classic series pertaining to "wang flies" incident? Perhaps the one where I told everyone how my lactose intolerance explosively manifested itself?
I'll make up the list myself but feel free to add your own input to this list. Comb through the massive archives to the right and leave your choices as a comment below.
posted by Erwin |
12:22 AM
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
After leaving a team meeting in the late afternoon, I looked out the 12th floor windows and saw many police cars just below the office tower I work in. In fact, even before I left the meeting I remembered hearing the wail of police car sirens.
I couldn't see what was going on, so I went back to my desk. Ten minutes later, I went to the Vancouver Sun web site and saw this story. Apparently an armed jewelry store robbery had occurred just a block from my location. Not only that, an armed woman, supposedly one of the robbers, ran right past the hotel that's just next door. Adding to the drama, the premier of British Columbia, Gordon Campbell was in the hotel for an interview when the armed woman ran past.
All of this led to some nervous moments for a lot of people. Almost two hours later when I left work, there was still a very heavy police presence downtown. I also got to walk past the jewelry store in question. Outside of it, I saw a man who appeared to have gotten into a fender-bender with a police car parked outside the store.
posted by Erwin |
12:13 AM
Monday, May 04, 2009
On Saturday night, I had the privilege of watching the big game at Dave and Abigail's house. They were kind enough to let me in their house even though they had just brought their newest daughter, Sophie, home and already have their hands full with a precocious toddler named Lucy.
Not wanting to arrive empty-handed, I stopped off to bring some goodies with me. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I didn't have the opportunity to get the most appropriate items. I had to make do with a visit to 7-11. Arriving at the house, I sheepishly showed Dave what I brought. He told me I'd better hide it until after dinner as he was sure Lucy would want to eat these things right away.
Dinner turned out to be pizza for the grownups. Sophie had some milk. Lucy was going to share the pizza with us but she also had to eat her carrots and red peppers. I got the pleasure of cutting up a slice of pizza for Lucy. I was told to cut the pieces in the shape of mini-slices, that is smaller triangles out of the bigger triangle. Perhaps this is a clue that Lucy will grow up to be a rendering engineer.
Anyways, I don't think I did a great job of cutting since after just eating one of the smaller pieces, Lucy abandoned her initial slice and just grabbed a new one from the box. She ate this one grownup style, just using her hands. I didn't want the other slice to go to waste, so I ate it myself. Abigail said I'd make a great father since kids will leave leftover food frequently and there's only the parents to eat it.
After Abigail also made sure that Lucy ate her veggies, it was fast approaching her bedtime. As part of toddler-parent negotiations, Mom told Lucy that if she went upstairs to get into her jammies, Uncle Erwin would give her a treat before bed. So Dave and Lucy went upstairs to get her changed while I brought out her treat from 7-11.
Just a few minutes later, Dave and Lucy returned with Lucy in some adorable PJs with feet. Lucy sat next to me eagerly awaiting her treat. Not wanting to keep her in suspense, I pulled out a three-pack of Hostess Twinkies. Lucy eyes went wide in amazement. I opened the package so she could get at one of the sponge cake goodies. It was then I realized that for a two and a half year old, a Twinkie is a pretty big dessert. I was concerned she might not be able to finish one by herself. Dave took one as well and I grabbed the last Twinkie.
So here were all three of us on the couch eating Twinkies. Lucy eating her very first Twinkie flanked by her Dad and her Dad's weird friend. I've known Dave since we were nineteen years old back we were just kids in university. If you had told us back then that years later we'd be sitting on a couch eating Twinkies with Dave's daughter, well we'd probably would have asked why it wasn't fried chicken instead. Abi must have sensed the gravity of the moment as well since she brought a digital camera and took a few photos of us for posterity.
Lucy must have really enjoyed the Twinkie since she was getting down to the last bit of it when two pieces fell onto the carpet. I picked them both up and put them on the plate. By that time, Lucy had finished what she had in her hand. She then went to grab at the pieces on the plate that had fallen on the floor. I asked Abi if I should stop her. She said no and that Lucy had eaten much worse off floors. Plus, it would have been difficult to stop her anyways. So I watched Lucy eat the remaining bits, thus polishing off an entire Twinkie by herself. Wow!
I went back into my 7-11 bag and brought out a two-pack of Hostess Cup Cakes. Abi told me I'd better put that away since Lucy would want to eat those too and she had enough dessert already. After getting a thorough wipedown, it was time for Lucy to head off to brush her teeth and go to bed. I said goodbye to Lucy, hoping that next time I would be able to introduce her to a Wendy's Baconator.
I'd like to thank Dave and Abigail for being good sports. I know there are some parents out there who would be less than willing to let some dude bring fatty desserts for their toddler, so I appreciate their understanding. I especially appreciate it since I later found out that Lucy also had her first Fillet-O-Fish that day. She may only be a toddler but she sure seems to like the same foods I like!
posted by Erwin |
12:07 AM