Friday, January 08, 2010
If you follow American entertainment news you might have read or heard about the rumours coming from NBC late today. The rumour (and I sure hope it stays just a rumour) is that Jay Leno has arranged to abandon his 10pm talk show and has got NBC to issue Conan O'Brien an ultimatum: either do The Tonight Show at midnight or take a hike.
If there's any truth to this rumour it would easily be the most ridiculous thing to have happened in American television for years to come. If this all goes down the way people are saying it will, I put all the blame on Jay Leno. His 10pm show was doing very poorly in the ratings and NBC was put in a difficult position. Instead of retiring though and heading off to enjoy his life in a classy and graceful manner, he's pulling this absolute BS. How could he ever face Conan again and not feel some intense shame? Leno agreed to give up The Tonight Show in 2004. Sometimes you just have to live with a decision that you make.
I make it no secret I've never been a big fan of Leno. I've always been a huge Letterman and Conan fan. Leno screwed Letterman out of The Tonight Show in 1992 and now he does this. This does nothing to change my mind about Leno. I wonder what the legendary Johnny Carson would think of the situation if he were alive today. Actually, if you read a post I wrote about five years ago, you can probably guess.
posted by Erwin |
12:39 AM
Thursday, January 07, 2010
I'm exhausted tonight so I don't have enough energy nor the ability to write a coherent post. Instead, I will just write whatever comes to me.
For dinner tonight, I had three tacos, Mexican rice, steamed green beans, and coleslaw. The tacos didn't come with any sour cream. The rice also tasted funny. The meal left me unsatisfied.
Did you know that MGM is doing a remake of the 1980s movie, Red Dawn? I saw the original as a kid and thought it was great, though the ending made me a bit sad.
I'm very confident now that I'll be able to make it all the way through winter without turning on my heat.
I forgot my cell phone at work last night. In the twelve or so hours I was away from my phone the total numbers of calls missed was zero.
This is the last sentence in this post.
posted by Erwin |
12:14 AM
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
I got my property assessment notice in the mail today from the fine folks at BC Assessment. Based on several factors including local real estate market conditions, they come up with a formula to tell me how much they think my apartment is worth.
My assessment this year is a bad news, good news thing. As you might expect with the current state of BC real estate, my apartment, according to them, is worth more this year. If you want ballpark figures, the value has increased by a little over 10%. That's good news if I was interested in seeing if my purchase was a good investment so far. It means that if I were to sell my apartment today or in the near future, I'd probably get a small but decent profit. It's bad news if I wasn't planning on selling at all because the higher assessment just means I get to pay higher property taxes in the summer. If you read my recent post on my 2010 expenditures, this is just one more case where I'll be losing more money.
Since I don't plan on selling my apartment in the near future, I just get to enjoy the pleasure of knowing my apartment is worth more, all the while paying more taxes for it.
posted by Erwin |
12:51 AM
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
In a previous post, I wrote that I was in the process of choosing a new template and look for this blog. The plan was to use the holiday to spend some time to look over existing templates and narrow it down to a few favourites.
I did indeed look for new templates during the holiday break. Unfortunately, not very many appealed to me. I also found a lot of templates look very much alike with just a different colour or two setting them mildly apart.
I'll continue to look for a new look for this blog and again, I hope to involve you, my loyal readers, in the selection process.
posted by Erwin |
12:51 AM
Monday, January 04, 2010
While everyone hopes that a new year will bring good things to them, I already know 2010 is guaranteed to be, at least in one way, very different than 2009. 2010 will no doubt see me spend more money than 2009 and I'm not just talking about inflation either.
A few things are conspiring together in 2010 which will separate me from more of my dollars. First, remember that I have mortgage now. It's a variable one, so my payments fluctuate with the interest rates. As many of you know, we currently have historically low interest rates. It has never been so cheap to borrow money. The Bank of Canada has previously stated they will hold the rate steady at 0.25% until July of 2010. Others are not so sure that the rates will stay that low for that long. Even in the best case scenario, I can expect have higher mortgage payments by the summer. It's just a given.
Second, the new year will bring to the people of British Columbia, a new harmonized sales tax, which combines the federal and provincial sales taxes. In a move that only a government could see as a positive, things that were not previously taxed by the province will now be subject to this new tax. These items include restaurant meals and haircuts. Another thing that's now subject to taxation is the service that professional building management companies provide. That means that if you live in an apartment and your strata uses a company to maintain the building, that fee is now taxable. Guess who's going to have to pay for that new tax? The new HST will cost me and others money just by going through normal routines of life. I suppose one could eat out less or grow their hair longer but is that a way to live? This new HST has really turned public opinion against Premier Gordon Campbell and his Liberals but I haven't been a fan of his for a long, long time, way before it was fashionable not to like him.
Last but not least, I've been enjoying free Internet and TV service from Telus for almost a year now. I get a whole bunch of standard definition channels and 25 high definition ones. I also get fast and reliable Internet from fibre that comes straight into my building. This perk is a result of being the first occupant of my new apartment. Unfortunately, this perk only lasts a year and for me, it runs out in late March. There's obviously no way I'd not have Internet at home, so it's a given that I'll at least have to pay for the Interwebs. When I check my monthly statements from Telus, they actually charge me about $100 a month but then immediately apply a credit to my account so it ends up being no charge. I'm going to have investigate what I want to do when my free year is up.
So, even if nothing new happens in 2010, between rising interest rates, the new HST, and paying for Internet and TV, it's a guarantee I'll be poorer this year. Yay 2010! No flying cars but more expenses! The future is awesome!
posted by Erwin |
12:42 AM