The Ewok Song

The Ewoks party down after defeating the
mighty Empire
A large portion of Star Wars
fans had a lot of trouble accepting the Ewok characters. Many
were put off by their "cutesy" nature and thought they
were merely a marketing ploy. Others scoffed at the believability
of these small forest bears taking on the mighty Imperial army
and winning. It's interesting to note that in earlier drafts
of Jedi, the Ewoks were actually replaced with Wookies. Now imagine
hundreds of Wookies like Chewbacca fighting it out with Stormtroopers,
there's a believable battle. Nonetheless, the taint of the Ewoks
spilled over to the Ewok song at the end of the movie. For some,
it was tough to hear the last song of entire series to be sung
by some scruffy bears. The end of Jedi signalled the final battle
in a long fought war by the Rebels to overthrow the evil Empire.
It should have been accompanied by a more regal or epic piece
of music. Instead, the Ewok song could be interpreted as being
a bit juvenille.
Now having said that,
they are some merits to the Ewok song. For one, the song has
infiltrated popular culture. Mention "the Ewok song",
and I think most people would understand what you're talking
about (ok, mainly us geeks, but it's close). Even late night
talk show host Craig Kilborn is a big fan of the Ewok song. If
you click here (kilborn-ewok.mp3 - 622 kb),
you can hear Craig sing his own wonderful rendition of the Ewok
song. It's really quite entertaining. I credit Kilborn for bringing
the term "yub nub" to his vast audience. It's clear
that the Ewok song is appealing for reasons other than what Lucas
probably intended. It's a bit goofy and it's most likely a very
fun song to sing while drunk. Just for completeness, click here
for the lyrics to the song. |