Hopefully, the previous pages have provoked some thought, maybe even changed your mind about widescreen. I truly believe it is a better way to watch movies on your TV.

If you think widescreen is only for those die-hard movie buffs, think again. In a few years, both movies and TV will all be shown in the widescreen format. HDTV, the next evolution in TV technology, is being broadcast in widescreen. The HD televisions themselves are produced not in a 4:3 aspect ratio, but in a ratio of 16:9. Many TV shows are jumping on the widescreen bandwagon even before HDTV becomes the standard. NBC shows The West Wing and E.R. have switched over to the new format. Next time these shows are on, notice how they are being broadcast in the widescreen format.

If you can afford it, the best solution is to buy a new HDTV-compatible widescreen TV. That way, you'll never get those black bars again. The format is here to stay, you might as well get used to it!


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